Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pastor's Reply To Previous Letter

November 19, 2007
Response of Pastor to John
Dear John (withheld by Blogmaster)

The Pastor has read your letter and has asked me to reason on his behalf.

Obviously this is a matter about which you have given a great deal of thought and have very strong feelings. You are also aware that there is a great diversity of opinion on this issue. As a church we would not agree that all war is wrong, as any consideration of the history of Israel would verify.

Whether the United States should have invaded Iraq is a question that I am not sure we can answer fully at this point in time. Certainly some of the things we were given as justification have subsequently been shown to be untrue. On the other hand, I think it would be hard to argue that the overturning of Saddam Hussein’s godless, inhumane dictatorship was a bad thing.

Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, radical Islam is a serious to our world and failing to acknowledge and address it will only allow this threat to worsen.

I believe that the United States had made a greater effort to protect the lives of civilians as this war has been conducted, even to the endangerment of our own troops and military objectives, than any other country in recent history.

We certainly respect your point of view and your right to hold it, but it is not one we share.

In His Service
(Signed) Administrative Pastor
(Name and church withheld by Blogmaster)

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